Getting Started

To begin using Halopro's rotating ISP proxies, please send a request to through a proxy endpoint. Please replace USER and PASS with your Halopro authentication credentials. Each query will automatically rotate your IP address, providing a new one for every request.

To verify the details of your assigned IPs, such as country, city, ZIP code, ASN, and time zone, you can query using your proxy.

curl -x -U "USERNAME-zone-isp-session-123sbnym1-sessTime-120:PASSWORD"

Halopro’s Rotating ISP Proxies support multiple protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5.

Using Region-Specific Proxies

You can specify the geographic location for your proxy by appending a region tag to your username. For example, to connect to a proxy in the United States, your query will look like this:

curl -x -U "USERNAME-zone-isp-region-us-session-123sjp5qe-sessTime-120:PASSWORD"

Refer to your preferred language tab for sample implementations.

For more precise targeting, such as accessing proxies in London, United Kingdom, add a city identifier to your username. Below is an example query:

curl -x -U "USERNAME-region-gb-city-london:PASSWORD"

Need Help?

If you need further clarification or assistance with location targeting, feel free to contact us via:

  • Email:

  • Live Chat: Available 24/7 Live Chat on our Website.

Last updated